Articles tagged with: Photo competition

Dear Friends,
How can we define love? Generations of philosophers, writers, thinkers, lovers (!) have tried and because love is a universal emotion, it is difficult to give it a single definition, therefore CyberDodo will not attempt to do so. On the contrary, you can all contribute and give your own view of how it is […]

Dear Friends,
Our world depends on power, we need it to make most of our equipment operate, but the use of this type of energy is depleting most of the fossil fuel resources; it is destroying our environment and also they are being increasingly depleted every day.
Why not use what nature has to offer us?
The sun, the […]

Dear Friends,
From the time of cavemen, who only had the moon or fire for night lighting, to the invention of LED light bulbs, so many advances have been made in lighting!
Today it is possible to consume 10 times less electricity and conserve light bulbs for years and years. These savings are excellent for our pockets […]

Dear Friends,
When classifying the universal values, where do you place « happiness »?
If, as the overwhelming majority of our contemporary fellows, your answer is « at the top », you will love our photo contest of March because it pays homage to the first « International Day of Happiness », declared by the UN, our long-standing partner (link).
Actually, next March 20, […]

Dear Friends,
Our photo competition for the month of July is based on the theme of pets, why is that?
Because too many people consider their pets as just toys that they can get rid of whenever they get tired of them. And indeed, this is the holiday season for many countries of the world, during which […]

Dear Friends,
Our photo competitions are becoming increasingly popular and it is becoming harder and harder for our jury to select the winner.
Last month, the community school ‘l’île aux enfants’ from Madagascar won the prize (we will introduce them to you in our ‘Partners’ section) – they have been put in our ‘Hall of Fame’.
Let’s return to […]

Dear Friends,
In order for a child to develop harmoniously, numerous needs must be satisfied. These range from the most vital, such as breathing, being fed, or sleeping, to being protected, having a place to stay, as well as giving and receiving love and self-esteem.
Of course, children have a great deal of other needs; our members […]

Dear Friends,
Which of these do you like the most?
Oranges, Pineapples, Apples, Grapes, Kiwis, Bananas, Lemons, Grapefruit, Strawberries, Cherries, etc.?
Fruit is a superb, tasty example of biodiversity, and is the theme of our photo competition for this month of March 2012.
So, resist the temptation of eating your favourite fruit until after you have taken a photo […]

Dear Friends,
Wishing you all the best and may 2012 be filled with good health, happiness and prosperity for you!
This New Year is beginning on a stimulating note, with our photo competition dedicated to animals:
Click here to find out how to win, at your choice, a Sony PSP, an Apple iPod Nano 8Go or a Nikon […]

Dear Friends,
Hot on the heels of the success of our first photo competition on the beauties of nature, we are organising a second one until 31 October on the theme “Water is vital !”.
To give you an idea of what you can send in, here is an excellent example of a photo which was sent by […]