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Photo competition – May 2013 – Renewable energy

Submitted by on lundi, 6 mai 2013No Comment

Dear Friends,

Our world depends on power, we need it to make most of our equipment operate, but the use of this type of energy is depleting most of the fossil fuel resources; it is destroying our environment and also they are being increasingly depleted every day.

Why not use what nature has to offer us?

The sun, the wind, the sea, the heat of the earth, water, etc. are available to produce the energy that we need so much without causing pollution, and they are permanently renewable, a dream that is within the reach of our current technology.

CyberDodo wants to contribute to this power transformation!

This is why the focus of our photo competition for the month of May is renewable energy.

Take a photo which shows CyberDodo with a source of renewable energy (Even better if you are in it!), for instance, you could use this picture as your inspiration:

In 2013, it is possible to produce energy that does not run out and does not cause pollution!

The grand prize winner will receive a Nintendo 3DS XL game console!

A superb Nintendo 3DS XL to be received by the winner of our renewable energy photo competition for the month of May 2013

To obtain the details of the competition, click on the pictures in this message or here.

Good luck and don’t forget to ‘like’ CyberDodo on Facebook (And to suggest that your friends do the same).

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And to follow us on Twitter

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P.S: Well done to Penchop from Philippines, the winner of our « Happiness » photo competition, who will receive a Nintendo 3 DS XL!

Well done to Penchop from Philippines

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