Photo Competition – June 2013 – Love
Dear Friends,
How can we define love? Generations of philosophers, writers, thinkers, lovers (!) have tried and because love is a universal emotion, it is difficult to give it a single definition, therefore CyberDodo will not attempt to do so. On the contrary, you can all contribute and give your own view of how it is defined.
Our team, which commits on a daily basis to ensuring respect for the planet and its inhabitants, wants to highlight love as the wonderful feeling that motivates us to give the best of ourselves in order to be loved.
Our photo competition will help you illustrate this unique feeling for your close friend, someone in your family or even your pet.
What type of picture can you send in to us?
A beautiful photo showing yourself with someone you love and featuring CyberDodo – we need to be moved with tenderness when we look at your picture, so make sure that you express your creativity as much as possible.
Below is an example which you can use if you like…
The grand prize winner will receive a Nintendo 3DS XL game console!
To find out the details of the competition, click on the images in this message, or here.
Good luck to you all and don’t forget to ‘like’ our page on Facebook (and to suggest that your friends do the same).
And to follow us on Twitter
P.S : Congratulations to Zenyor from Philippines who won our photo competition on ‘EcoLight’, who will receive a Nintendo 3 DS XL!