Photo competition – July and August 2013 – A new Ambassador for CyberDodo
Dear Friends,
All of us at CyberDodo are happy and proud to announce the arrival of a new Ambassador who has joined our big family (present in more than 150 countries!) in order to help spread our message of respect and conservation.
Take note, this is someone exceptional…
This 10 year old is one of the greatest hopes of the surfing world: his name is Kyllian Guerin. Accompanied by his parents, he has already travelled throughout the planet to compete in the most beautiful spots (Australia, California, Costa Rica, France, Indonesia, Nicaragua, etc.).
His unique travels and position as a privileged observer have made him aware of the « Fundamental Rights« , being the 2 areas of focus of the humanitarian initiative led by CyberDodo the Defender of Life: the Rights of the Child and the Environment.
In order to celebrate Kyllian’s commitment, the theme of the photo competition for the months of July and August 2013 is inspired by him: show yourself doing the work of a CyberDodo Ambassador!
What picture should you send us?
Take a photo that shows you spreading our message of respect and conservation, following Kyllian’s example:
The grand prize winner will receive a Nintendo 3DS XL console!

A superb Nintendo 3DS XL for the winner of our photo competition for the month of July, which celebrates the arrival of Kyllian Guerin in CyberDodo’s family!
To find out the details of the competition, click on the pictures in this message or here.
Good luck to you all, and don’t forget to like our Facebook page (And to also invite your friends to do the same)
And to follow us on Twitter
P.S : Well done to Sam who won our photo competition on “Renewable Energies”; he will receive a Nintendo 3 DS XL!