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New game on

Submitted by on dimanche, 24 janvier 2010No Comment

CyberDodo and the Right to Live with your Parents (2-9)

Children have the right to live with their parents unless it is decided that it is not in their best interests.

What better environment for the development of a child than a loving family? This is the theme of article 9 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.


The mission given to you by CyberDodo to is to reunite a child who has been separated from his families. In order to get there, he will need to carry copies of article 9, but the path he is led on drags him deep underground! Will you be able to help him overcome all the traps waiting for him?

Are you ready to take up the challenge? Click here to play

Good luck in this great underground adventure! You will need it…


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