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CyberDodo photo competition for the month of April 2012 = The Right to Play!

Submitted by on mercredi, 4 avril 2012No Comment

Dear Friends,

In order for a child to develop harmoniously, numerous needs must be satisfied. These range from the most vital, such as breathing, being fed, or sleeping, to being protected, having a place to stay, as well as giving and receiving love and self-esteem.

Of course, children have a great deal of other needs; our members who are interested in this can consult our case file with focus on this theme by clicking here.

The need that we have decided to highlight in this month of April 2012 is the right to play that is granted to all children. It is furthermore explicitly recognised in article 31 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (You can find the full text of the Convention by clicking here).

Why the Right to Play?

Because all children have this need to play, because it is an indispensable activity for their current and future balance and their development. And because, through playing, we recognise that they are not yet adults and that they can learn to peacefully get to know this immense and strange world that surrounds them.

What kind of photo?

Simply that of a child’s game!

Our jury will meet at the end of the month in order to select the grand prize winner who will win, at his/her choice, a Sony PSP console, a portable Apple iPod Nano 8Go or a Canon Ixus 220 HS digital camera. You can find all the details of the competition here.

Good luck to you all!

P.S.: Click here to see the photos of the latest winners.

If you would like to become involved with CyberDodo in order to contribute to the dissemination of our message of respect and conservation, don’t hesitate to contact us (contact (at), we have developed several tools (Books, posters, etc.) which enable us to take efficient and concrete action (in Schools, communities, via the Internet, through different forms of media, etc.) without needing to invest a lot of time.

Good luck to you all!

P.S.: Don’t forget to become a fan of CyberDodo on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter (@CyberDodo)


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