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CyberDodo and Disabled Persons II (2-20)

Submitted by on jeudi, 14 avril 2011No Comment

Dear Friends,

Up until 24 April, your site is organising a tournament with the theme of disabled persons so that each one of us understands that we can and above all must do everything to ensure that disabled persons benefit from the same rights as able-bodied persons.


Francoise Dolto, a French doctor, summarised this beautifully when she said: ‘The greatest asset of all human groups lies in their communication, cooperation and solidarity around a common goal: the welfare of each individual while respecting differences’.

This is the exact goal of the global communication tool, ‘CyberDodo, the Defender of Life’.

Talk to your children, friends, family, children’s teachers, etc. about this tournament. As they play, they will travel from Africa to Asia, from America to Europe, and will also come to realise that disabled children everywhere face the same challenge: that of being fully accepted by society.

We can help them, we must help them!

With thanks in advance…

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