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CyberDodo and Disabled Persons (2-20)

Submitted by on lundi, 23 août 2010No Comment

Dear Friends,

More than one billion human beings, one billion, are directly or indirectly affected by disabilities! We can all do something to improve the daily lives of disabled persons, but is it something that we should or we must do?


Everyone has their own response to this… In order to motivate us to all be committed, your site is offering you a game and a tournament (Until 12 September with a Nintendo DSi XL to be won) which will help you share all of the difficulties encountered by disabled persons.

But, as we are at CyberDodo, there is always a solution when you put all your heart and soul into it, in the spirit of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, which specifies in article 23 that: ‘Disabled children have the right to live a full and decent life”…

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