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Photo competition – September and October 2013 – “The Right to Rest”

Submitted by on jeudi, 5 septembre 2013No Comment

Dear Friends,

At the beginning of the 3rd millennium, hundreds of millions of children do not rest enough, with serious potential consequences for their lives:

– Disturbed development (the Growth hormone is secreted only at night)

– Lower school grades

– Declining morals

– Negative humour

– A tendency to be overweight

– General fatigue

– Etc.

In order to emphasise the importance of this “Right to Rest” that is specifically recognised by article 31 of the UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the CyberDodo team has chosen this theme for its competition for the months of September and October 2013.

What picture can you send us?

A beautiful photo of yourself resting, with CyberDodo featured in it; you could take inspiration from this:

The right to rest is fundamental for the harmonious development of a child

The right to rest is fundamental for the harmonious development of a child

In order to find out the details of the competition, click in the pictures of this message or here.

Good luck to you all and don’t forget to become a fan of our Facebook page (And to suggest that your friends do the same)


And to follow us on Twitter


P.S: Well done to Barrio from Mexico, who won our photo competition on the theme of « Love » and will receive a Nintendo 3 DS XL console!

Well done to Barrio from Mexico

Well done to Barrio from Mexico


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