Photo competition – June 2012 – Water
Dear Friends,
Our photo competitions are becoming increasingly popular and it is becoming harder and harder for our jury to select the winner.
Last month, the community school ‘l’île aux enfants’ from Madagascar won the prize (we will introduce them to you in our ‘Partners’ section) – they have been put in our ‘Hall of Fame’.
Let’s return to the theme of our competition for the month of June, which is ‘Hooray for water !’.
Water, the source of life, there is not enough to go round to cater for the daily requirements of almost a billion human beings; the water pollution that we are causing can have long-term effects, with the risk of creating tragic shortages…
So, get hold of your camera and send us an original picture that will help you to win the new PS Vita console by Sony (Hugely anticipated by our young members).
Click here or on the picture to get all the details of the competition.
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